English and Literature MLA

The essay about the short stories will compare and contrast the characters Delia (Zora Neale Hurston’s “Sweat”) and Louise (Kate Chopin’s “Story of an Hour”). You will need to choose three characteristics for each character and discuss them, using one di

A comparison and contrast paper can be structured point by point or subject by subject. Once you have chosen one, use the appropriate outline from below.  You can add sentences to this outline, but you must have the minimum given in the outline.

The subjects are Louise Mallard and Delia Jones. The points are characteristics about them that you can use to make comparisons or contrasts. For example, you may choose marriages, death, and lifestyles for the points. Death exists in both short stories, but it gives freedom in contrasting ways. For Louise, she must die to be free from her marriage; Delia gains her freedom when Sykes dies.

Point by Point Outline

1. Intro paragraph with thesis

In the introductory paragraph, you should introduce your readers to the topic of your essay. You may choose to write about marriage and your idea of what it should be. OR You may choose to write a short summary of each short story. OR You may want to discuss the expectations for women in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. JUST DON’T GIVE AN OUTLINE OF YOUR PAPER. After you have written 3-4 sentences of general information to introduce your reader to the topic of your paper, then write the thesis. The thesis should be the LAST sentence of the intro paragraph. The thesis should identify the two characters and where you are going with the paper, your direction.

2. Body Paragraph One

Begin the paragraph with a transition word and a topic sentence that identifies a similarity OR difference between the two main characters. For example, you may choose to say that both gain their freedom from their husbands and then discuss how each one has freedom at the end of the stories.  (Delia’s husband dies, and Louise dies).

topic sentence must include the trait and both characters’ names and must have a transition

discuss the trait in first character

example that is evidence. use a direct quote from the story that shows that first trait

discuss the trait in second character

example that is evidence- use a direct quote from the story that shows the first trait

concluding sentence

3. Body Paragraph 2

Begin the paragraph with a transition word and a topic sentence that identifies another similarity OR difference between the two main characters.  For example, you may want to write about how one is abused and the other is adored.

topic sentence must include the trait and both characters’ names and must have a transition

discuss the trait in first character

example that is evidence- use a direct quote from the story that shows that second trait

discuss the trait in second character

example that is evidence- use a direct quote from the story that shows that second trait

concluding sentence

4. Body Paragraph 3

Begin the paragraph with a transition word and a topic sentence that identifies another similarity OR difference between the two main characters. You will use the same format as the other two body paragraphs.

topic sentence must include the trait and both characters’ names and must have a transition

discuss the trait in first character

example that is evidence- use a direct quote from the story that shows that third trait

discuss the trait in second character

example that is evidence- use a direct quote from the story that shows that third trait

concluding sentence

5. Conclusion Paragraph

In the concluding paragraph, you can sum up your ideas in a sentence or two. Then you should give your opinion of the literature and/or characters. You may want to include whether you think the stories are still relevant or not. The concluding paragraph should be at least 5-6 sentences.

Subject by Subject Outline

1. Intro Paragraph

In the introductory paragraph, you should introduce your readers to the topic of your essay. You may choose to write about marriage and your idea of what it should be. OR You may choose to write a short summary of each short story. OR You may want to discuss the expectations for women in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. JUST DON’T GIVE AN OUTLINE OF YOUR PAPER. After you have written 3-4 sentences of general information to introduce your reader to the topic of your paper, then write the thesis. The thesis should be the LAST sentence of the intro paragraph. The thesis should identify the two characters and where you are going with the paper. Use the sample on page 89 of the guidebook to help.

2. Body Paragraph One

Use a transition to begin the topic sentence that should introduce one main character and the traits you will discuss about her. Through the paragraph, you will discuss and give examples of those traits.

topic sentence must include the first character’s name and main traits and must have a transition

tell about the  first trait

example that is evidence- use a direct quote from the story that shows the first trait

transition sentence- discuss the first trait and lead into the second trait

tell about the second trait

example that is evidence- use a direct quote from the story that shows that second trait

transition sentence- discuss the 2nd trait and lead into the third trait

identify the third trait

example that gives evidence- use a direct quote from the story that shows the third  trait

concluding sentence

3. Body Paragraph Two

Use a transition to begin the topic sentence that should introduce the other main character and the traits you will discuss about her. Through the paragraph, you will discuss and give examples of those traits.

topic sentence must include the first character’s name and main traits and must have a transition

tell about the  first trait

example that is evidence- use a direct quote from the story that shows the first trait

transition sentence- discuss the first trait and lead into the second trait

tell about the second trait

example that is evidence- use a direct quote from the story that shows that second trait

transition sentence- discuss the 2nd trait and lead into the third trait

identify the third trait

example that gives evidence- use a direct quote from the story that shows the third  trait

concluding sentence

4. Conclusion Paragraph

In the concluding paragraph, you can sum up your ideas in a sentence or two. Then you should give your opinion of the literature and/or characters. You may want to include whether you think the stories are still relevant or not. The concluding paragraph should be at least 5-6 sentences.
(number of pages doesnt matter)

The works cited is a page that lists the works you have cited in the essay. This means you are letting your reader know where you found the direct quotes that you included in your essay.

Look at the short stories files in the module and find the information for the works cited. Remember that the works cited page should be in MLA format (Times New Roman 12, double spaced, alphabetical order). Also, be sure to indent any secondary lines you may have. The works cited is opposite of a paragraph; the first line is left justified of each entry, and any secondary lines are indented.

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