History MLA

The era of Reconstruction was a period of opportunity for African Americans.

My Thesis Statement is:
The era of Reconstruction was a period of opportunity for African Americans.

1st body paragraph: The quote I have selected is “The Fifteenth Amendment”, which gave African American men the right to vote ( i need one quote to support my argument )

2nd body paragraph: The quote I have selected is  “John Alvord, “Report on Progress in Education” (1866)” because they got the opportunity education of African-American children during the late period of slavery  (( i need one quote to support my argument ))

3rd body paragraph: The quote I have selected is  Charles Hays, “The Reaffirmation of the Rights of African Americans” (1874).  which end segregation of public transportation and public accommodations. ( need one quote to support my argument)

link of primary sources :  1. https://constitutioncenter.org/interactive-constitution/amendment/amendment-xv

2.  https://www.facinghistory.org/reconstruction-era/freedmens-bureau-agent-reports-progress-education

3. https://www.facinghistory.org/reconstruction-era/speech-senator-charles-hays-reaffirming-rights-african-americans-1874

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