
Strength and Conditioning Sport

Strength and Conditioning Sport

Design training programs for the following sample clients. Be specific. Provide details for the type of exercise, duration, sets, reps, rest intervals, and so on. A coach or athlete should be able to take your program and put it into practice without having to contact you for clarity of further explanation. Provide a brief explanation for WHY you’ve outlined a particular program. The WHY provides the rationale for your recommendations. Hint: if you emphasize an endurance component, but you list exercises and routines to mainly develop power, then you need to rethink your recommendations for the exercises/activities.

1. Design year-long training programs for two of the following six athletes. Your answers should include off-season, pre-season, early season, and competitive season workouts. Include weight training, plyometrics, endurance, and flexibility training.
A. College soccer player (specify position)
B. High school football player (specify position)
C. Semi-pro hockey player (specify position)
D. College basketball player (specify position)
E. Minor league baseball player (specify position)
F. Track and field event (short or long distance)