Business and Management Chicago / Turabian

Strategic design and management at parsons

Strategic design and management at parsons

Time limit 4-5 min/person

Visuals Required (PowerPoint, Prezi, other presentation options)

Sources must be cited on the last slide (in English)

Do you know what your career options are after you graduate with your major from the New School?

If not, youre not alone – most of the students in your shoes are not really sure.

This is why you will research, and in groups of same/similar majors present your findings to the rest of the class.  (In addition to research online, talk to teachers, other students, etc.)

What information to include? (BUT please do not simply do a laundry list – tell us a story!)

skills/talents you need to have
career possibilities
in which industries
possible salary
growth opportunities
professional degrees/enrichment needed (how high of a degree – AAS? BA? MA? Other? Certifications to start working? Accreditations?)
professional affiliations (do you need to join associations?)

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