APA (edition "APA 6") Mathematics and Statistics


Written Assignment #3 is the “Inferential Statistics Analysis and Writeup” assignment.  It’s the “capstone” assignment of STAT 200.  In this assignment you’ll be performing:

a single-sample confidence interval determination using one of the two “expenditure variables” you chose to use for Assignments #1 and #2; and
a two-sample hypothesis test using your chosen qualitative “socioeconomic variable” as a “sorting variable” to separate the 30 raw scores of the other of the two “expenditure variables” you chose to use for Assignments #1 and #2 into two samples.  Choices for two-sample hypothesis tests are:
two-sample proportion z-test
two-sample mean “t test for independent means”
two-sample mean “t test for dependent means”  (also known as “matched pairs t test”)
chi-square test for independence
Please read the “Instructions” document carefully, especially the sections that describe in detail what your Written Assignment #3 submission needs to contain.  There is also a “grading rubric” contained in the “Instructions” document so you can see exactly what I’ll be looking for.  Be sure to use all 30 observations (raw scores) of the variables you use from the attached data set for the analysis.

A “template” document is also attached to this assignment for your use.  Please use it, as it makes completing the Written Assignment #3 submission much easier!

The exact same STAT 200 Section 4315 dataset you used for Written Assignments #1 and #2 is attached to this assignment so you don’t have to go back and retrieve it from previous assignments.

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