Software Development for Business 2 – Referred/Deferred Coursework 2014/15 Page 1
This assignment consists of two parts:
1. Part 1 is an immprovement and resubmission of your individual scenario (report and
zipped up python files), enabling you to satisfy the leaarning outcomes of the
2. Part 2 is the writing of a referral report explaning the improvements and giving
advice to a new student in the light of the improvements made.
Also included in this document is a marking scheme detailing the criteria by which Part 2 of your referral
would be assessid. Please read this carefully in order to enhance your understanding of the requirements.
Part 1
Improve and resubmit your individual scenario (report and zipped up python files). Please refer to the
original coursework assignment specification.
Part 2
Submit a referral report as detailed in this document.
Requirements for the Part 2 report (referral report): The referral report (also referred to here as the
document) you submit needs to be no more 2 sides of A4. It must be word processed.
Having studied the module, Software Development for Business 2 during the second semester of academic
year 2014-15, you now have the opportunity to reflect on the coursework covered in the module and provide
guidance, based on your experience and academic reading, for a student who wishes to study Software
Development in the academic year 2015-16. In this report you should tailor the discussion for your target
audience (a future first year student – referred to in the report as new student) and provide considered advice
that you believe will help them achieve their full Software Development potential.
Please note, accurate use of written English is important, as it is essential that you explain what you have
undertaken in a coherent manner. Referencing and providing examples with links to your technical work
where necessary, is also most important. You must walk the new student through the document with clear
examples of what they should do to succeed based on a reflective appraisal of your own learning
Where you have used a reading list consisting of material additional to your lecture notes and tutorial
exercises, please use Harvard referencing for the report. See:
Referral Report Format: (Use this framework as it will help you to structure your referral report.)
Document name: SD2 Referral Report 2014/15
Your name:
Student number:
Your Tutor’s name:
Sections for the submission:
Introduction: – 10 marks (This will enable you to put the document in context.)
Discuss the structure of the document and how you will provide guidance to the new student. See
the marking scheme below.
Software Development for Business 2 – Referred/Deferred Coursework 2014/15 Page 3
Practical Work (Weekly Tutorial Exercises): – 40 marks
On reflection, how would you suggest that the new student tackles the practical work (tutorial
exercises) on this module? Explain, with reference to what you did, what you consider to be good
practice and, on reflection, bad practice. In this section of the report you are attempting to provide
a weekly framework for the new student to adopt based on your experiences. Obviously, you
should show where you went wrong and where you did the correct thing and in both cases you
should be reflective and informative to the new student. Please ensure you also provide evidence
to re-worked and improved practical work (See Part 1) and that you explain what it is that you
have done that clearly demonstrates that you have improved the work you attempted before,
added value and undertaken additional reading and research.
Ensure that you discuss the practical work (weekly tutorial exercises) with reference to the
weekly examples provided in the module. You must explain the relevance of the weekly
examples and the manner in which you have used them to further your own understanding.
Individual scenario: – 25 marks
Summarise the work that you did on all 6 stages of your individual scenario. You must explain to
the new student the reading and research that you undertook at each stage. Based on your own
experience, make suggestions to a new student with regard to the importance of academic
planning. Describe your own planning at each stage and explain to them how they can improve
the planning of their own scenario.
Reflections on your experience: 20 marks
Having studied Software Development for Business 2 for a semester what, on reflection, are the
major things you would do differently and why? In this section you can also discuss what you
consider to be important about the academic approach to Software Development. What aspects
of Python particularly interested you and why? What Software Development will you do in the
future? How will your experience on this module influence your future approach to academic
Reading list: 5 marks
Appropriate reading list that is referenced in the referral report discussion using the Harvard
referencing system.
Part 2 Marking scheme:
Introduction: – 10 marks
? The introduction clearly states the purpose and scope of the report and is well written and coherent.
7-10 marks.
? The introduction clearly states the purpose and scope of the report but has some errors 4-6 marks.
? The introduction is brief and does not fully explain the purpose or scope of the report. 1-4 marks.
General Practical Work ( Examples and weekly tutorial exercises): – 40 marks.
? A detailed discussion of the practical work (for both examples and tutorial exercises). Clear evidence
of value added work. Guidance to the new student is evident and detailed as is self-reflection of
your approach over the semester with clear examples of what the new student should do in light of
your experience. 31-40 marks.
? A detailed discussion of the practical work (for both examples and tutorial exercises). Some
evidence of value added work. Guidance to the new student is evident with elements of reflection
on your approach over the semester. 20-30 marks.
Software Development for Business 2 – Referred/Deferred Coursework 2014/15 Page 4
? The practical work is discussed with some examples of value added work. Some guidance to the
new student is given. 10-19 marks.
? Little evidence of value added work and limited guidance given. 0-9 marks.
Individual Scenarios: – 25 marks
? Clear examples are provided of where books/journals and on-line resources/tutorials have helped
you coupled with an explanation of how they can help the new student archive their full potential on
the module. Examples of new texts/sites that have helped you with this assignment with an
explanation of what you have learnt and do differently as a result of your new reading and research.
Evidence of where your new reading has helped you gain a deeper understanding of the subject
area is contextualised (i.e. how the new reading you have undertaken has improved your
understanding.) All examples appropriately referenced. 18-25 marks.
? Examples of where books/journals and on-line resources have helped you. Evidence of new reading,
which is discussed and contextualised (i.e. how the new reading you have undertaken has improved
your understanding – what you now know that you didn’t before…) Helpful guidance regarding your
reading is given to the new student. 13-17 marks.
? Examples of where books/journals and on-line resources have helped you. Some evidence of new
reading and guidance for a new student is provided. Reading is not fully contextualised to the work
undertaken with only tenuous links. 7-12 marks.
? Little evidence of reading and/or contextualised guidance for the new student. 0-6 marks.
Reflections on your experience: 20 marks
? Examples of good and bad practice provided with guidance for the new student. Time needed to
complete the practical work is discussed with examples of pitfalls that the new student should try and
avoid. Reflection on what you consider important areas in software development is provided along
with proof of your improvement in software development. (This is where you can discuss what really
interested you and what area if, given time, you would like to pursue.) 15-20 marks.
? Examples of good and bad practice provided with guidance for the new student. Time needed to
complete the practical work is discussed with examples of pitfalls that the new student should try and
avoid. Your particular area of interest in software development is discussed and an appropriate
detailed discussion of what you would pursue, given time, is also evident. 8-14 marks.
? Examples of good and bad practice provided with guidance for the new student. Time management
is discussed, but its’ appropriateness is not obvious. Area of interest is mentioned but is not clear. 0-
7 marks.
Reading list: 5 marks
? A detailed reading list is provided which clearly connects to the discussion and is referenced
appropriately. 4-5 marks.
? A reading list is provided and is referenced appropriately. 2-3 marks.
? A reading list is provided. 1 mark.
Software development for Business 2 (BIF-4-SD2)
Assessment 2013/2014
To be submitted by
4pm on Friday 15th May 2015
This assessment forms the central focus of this module. It is where your will get your marks, but it is also the main learning vehicle. You will be developing an increasingly more complex piece of software, each stage having marks attached to it. You will provide evidence that you have been able to do the various parts of this assessment.
You are supplied with 3 data files and a set of questions. These are yours and are different from everyone else. Your work must be done using your questions and your data files. The example programs and the lectures will support you in learning how to answer your questions.
1. Write Python code to answer your questions. The user should be able to enter the file name and the program should then display the answers to your questions. (Preferably only reading the whole file once).
2. The program should then be modified to follow good practice, which means that the program be altered to first be structured using functions (Stage 1) and then later to use classes and objects correctly, (Stage 2) and be well documented.
3. The next development is to make the program work using the GUI (Stage 3) to allow the user to enter the file name and to display the answers.
4. You will select one research topic from a supplied list and
(a) Write a summary of your findings and
(b) Apply and demonstrate your findings to one of the stages you have been developing.
5. You need to write an evaluation of your achievements.
6. You should demonstrate that the program is correct by the use of unit tests.
Your submission should have:
a. The pages numbered, and a table of contents after the Title Page.
b. The title page containing at the very least, the module name, your name, your tutors name and your student number.
c. Your source code (annotated) from each stage of your development.
d. Evidence of your program running at each stage, with written commentary (that can be hand written)
e. Your research report.
f. An evaluation of what you have achieved and the problems you found.
g. Your work held in a flat binder or plastic sleeve. (Not ring bound)
Submission: You need to print out and present the following:
a. The program code at each stage (Plain command line, using Objects, GUI and tests). This should be annotated, either by the use of comments or by writing by hand on the printouts. If you must use a word processor, please make sure that the program code is in Courier font, reduced in size to 10pt and has a reasonably small tab size. Each time you move onto the next stage, you need to keep a copy of the original work you have done up to that point. Please put the evidence of the program running immediately after the printout of the program source code, then any testing code and output from the tests.
b. Evidence of your program running for each stage you have completed. You should be aware that you do not have to complete all of the stages before moving onto the next – so, you can move on to changing your program to use classes before you have answered all of the questions for instance. Notice that there is a difference between showing a program works and showing a program runs.
c. Your research, no more than 500 words, then adding a section explaining how you got it to work in your program if applicable (and the relevant sections of changed program code).
d. An evaluation of what you have achieved over the semester.
Academic Misconduct.
There are a few who may try to cheat – not many. We take this very seriously and you may be asked to upload your work for plagiarism checks. If you do not upload you work when asked, you will be deemed to have not submitted your work and your score for the module will be zero. Penalties for cheating have ranged in the past from having the assessment set to zero to having the entire years marks set to zero. We don’t like and we don’t want cheats.
There is nothing wrong with talking about the examples and the exemplars, in fact it is good to work with others at a similar level on the examples. This is not the same as copying someone’s program code (see above). We don’t catch you because you have the same right program. We catch you because you have the same wrong program! So there is help, and there is cheating. You need to be able to see the difference.
As you work through the assessment and when you are in the lectures, you need to make notes in your
logbook – yes, you do need a logbook and, as in semester 1, there is an in-lab assessment in week 13 where you will only be able to bring in your logbook. I am sure that the experience of the first semester will convince you that this should be made up as you progress through the module and not be done at the last minute.
A logbook also becomes a resource, and you can look up various bits of information quickly when coding.
Use every resource you can to succeed, books, the internet, your pals, your tutors… but how do you measure success? Not by the final mark, but how useful your knowledge and skills will be when you start work, and how useful this learning is for future modules. People cheat to get the mark. They cheat themselves out of understanding.
Progress report:
IMPORTANT: Please fill in the table below and include it as the second page of your submission.
Page No(s)
Page No(s)
I can open a file, read in the lines and split the lines into fields.
I can get the program to calculate the answers to (some of ) my questions
I have modified the code to use Classes and Objects
I have developed a GUI to interact with the user
The GUI caches the values
I have written my report on the research
I have changed the code based on my research
I have written an evaluation of what I did
I have tested the classes in my program.
I have printed and annotated evidence of the code running at each stage.
v Tick the bits completed
~ for partially completed
x for not present
Handing in work:
You work needs to be presented to your tutor in 2 forms. A soft copy so that tutors can run you program code if they so wish (a zipped up copy of all your programs + your report and any other documents) and your formal submission which should be printed out, presented in a folder or a single plastic envelope and submitted to L105, you will need to print a front sheet before submitting……. Please do not use multiple plastic covers or ring binders.
If you are using MSWord or LibreOffice Writer, please use a monospaced font such as Courier or FreeMono for all your Python source code and reduce the font size to remove any word wrap. All program code needs explanation (annotation) this can be in the form of comments or be handwritten onto the printouts.
All marking is done on the basis of evidence which means that even if you did the work, if it is not submitted, then you did not do it as far as we are concerned. Any work handed in late is
automatically capped at 40% (28 marks for the coursework) unless you have special arrangements agreed or you submit a late submission form with evidence and it is accepted (forms from room L105). Any work handed in more than 2 weeks after the hand-in date will not be marked.
Assessment Feedback and Mark Sheet:
The assess Feedback and mark sheet is shown on Page 5 below.
Software Development for Business 2
You have opened the files using Python and read in the contents a line at a time
You are able to show that the program could split your data files into separate fields and deal with them in an appropriate manner.
When you run your program it correctly works out the answers to your questions for all
…and there is clear annotated evidence of your program running in each of the three stages for all three files. This means you have to somehow change the look of the output between stages 1 and 2!
Your program only needs to read through the file once to get all of the answers
The user can select the file by entering the file name.
The user can select the file by entering the file name.
You were able to able to structure your program using classes.
You have tested your classes using unit testing. (Or appropriate demo classes)
You have successfully used a GUI (tkinter) and it works, allowing the user to select the file, and by clicking a button, the answers are collected and displayed (note: it is not enough to supply the answers that were collected previously. The program has to do the calculations.)
The GUI caches the values so that subsequent reads are not needed.
You have written a simple report outlining what you found in your research.
You have applied what you have learnt in your research to your program and you have evidence to demonstrate this.
An evaluation of what you have learnt, the programs that you have developed and a reflection of your experiences programming during the semester.
Mark awarded for the in-class multiple choice.
Mark awarded for demonstrating understanding of supplied program code in the in-lab section of the coursework.
Remember to include the progress report…