APA Psychology and Education


Communication in a relationship is mutli-faceted. In chapter 5 of our text, Intimate Relationships, Miller discusses several components of communication; non verbal and verbal communication, and dysfunctional communication and what to do about it. There are a multitude of hypothesis and theories as to what compromises effective communication.

Write a paper that explores and focuses on what makes effective and non- effective communication in a relationship. You must include conflict and sexuality and the affect it plays on the couple relationship. This is a broad topic which will allow you to pick something of interest to you and allow you the opportunity to be comprehensive and thorough. Please select ONE sub-topic and do a deep dive versus a summarizing a few sub-topics broadly.

Possible topics might be:

verbal and non-verbal communication. Please be specific and utilize outside resources not just the class text.
Attachment and how it relates to communication in a couple relationship. Examine both sides of attachment; how it enhances communication and possible take aways from communication.
The use of language in communication with couples. Please do not use Gottman’s Four Horsemen for this topic.
Paper requirements:

The writing assignment is expected to be of high quality, including well-thought out ideas, clear expression of these ideas, and correct grammar and spelling. Grading will take the following into consideration:

Format: Writing Assignments must be typed double-spaced/ 12pt font, times new roman, 1 margins)

A minimum of seven peer reviewed reference materials other than the class texts are to be cited within the paper and referenced at the end of the paper. Please include a title page with running head. Please note that the materials are to be either published peer reviewed journals or academic books or published works. Blogs, web pages and assorted internet are not acceptable.

APA Style is expected: Correct citations and references. For assistance with proper citations and referencing: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/ 560/02/
The length for each writing assignment is NOT to exceed 8-10 pages Total

( including Title/Cover Page and references).

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