Project 12-3: Movie List
Create an application that displays all movies for the specified category.
The Movie List application
Choose from 100 movies
Categories: drama | musical | scifi | horror | comedy | animated
Enter a category: scifi
Star Wars
2001: A Space Odyssey
E.T. The extra-terrestrial
A Clockwork Orange
Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
Continue? (y/n): y
Enter a category: comedy
Annie Hall
Duck Soup
Continue? (y/n): n
Your instructor should provide a Movie class that stores the title and category for each movie and a MovieIO class that you can use to get an ArrayList of Movie objects.
When the application starts, it should display a message that indicates the total number of movies available followed by a list of available categories. The category names should be stored in an ArrayList of String objects.
When the user enters a category, the application should display all movies that match the category.
Possible enhancement
Display a menu of category choices and ask the user to select the category like this:
1. Animated
2. Drama
3. Horror
4. Musical
5. Scifi
Enter category number: