APA (edition "APA 6") Business and Management

planet orbits

Case planet orbits
page 348

Read your assigned case.
Prepare an analysis that includes:
Identification of the firms vision, mission, objectives, and strategies.
A proposal for a new vision and mission that you feel would better represent the company.
Assessment of:
Internal strengths and weaknesses
External opportunities and threats
An IFE and EFE OR a SWOT Analysis
Rationalization as to why recommendations are being made.

Read your assigned case.
Prepare an analysis that includes:
Identification of the firms vision, mission, objectives, and strategies.
A proposal for a new vision and mission that you feel would better represent the company.
Assessment of:
Internal strengths and weaknesses
External opportunities and threats
An IFE and EFE OR a SWOT Analysis
Rationalization as to why recommendations are being made.

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