English and Literature MLA

Online Presentations questions

(Can you make it power point)?

Online Presentations

In this discussion forum, post a video presentation in which you tell us about your campus place or artifact. Remember that your classmates are the audience for this video presentation! Feel free to talk about why you chose the place or artifact, what you learned, what you were surprised by, the challenges you had while working on the essay, or anything else that would be of interest to your classmates and instructor.

As an example, you could share your topic (art/architecture), important contextual information (title, creator, date of creation, location, etc.), and at least one major point of analysis from your paper. Help your classmates understand how the piece impacts its location and what details support your conclusion.

The video can be a screen recording of a slide presentation with you narrating.

For a more traditional presentation (such as Powerpoint, Google Slides, etc.) you have a few software options. Canvas has a built-in option called Studio you can use to create screen-capture and webcam videos. You can also record audio narration and slide timings using Powerpoint.

Please see the below tutorials for additional help:

Using Studio (Links to an external site.)
Recording Screen Capture Video with Studio (Links to an external site.)
Recording Webcam Video with Studio (Links to an external site.)
Recording Powerpoint Presentations (Links to an external site.) (with audio and slide timings)
Post the video recording by Thursday and watch/comment on 3 of your classmates’ presentations by Friday. In your comments to your classmates, you can ask questions or provide constructive feedback (commenting on what they’re doing well or could improve on). Or, simply comment on something you found interesting.

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