English and Literature MLA


topic: problems in the nursing field.
The Assignment:  Your goal is to construct an annotated bibliography by drafting three annotations with citations. The sources should refer to a problem in your field of study. It is preferable for students to write about the same problem from the Cause and Effect paper, but students are allowed to change problems if necessary. Specific instructions for completing the assignment are provided below.
Download a PDF copy of the Module 5 Annotated Bibliography Assignment.
At least three credible sources

Acceptable Length: All three annotations must include:
a full citation for the piece being annotated.
Refer to pages pgs. 149-152 in The Little Seagull for citation models.
Another great resource for citation models is The OWL at Purdues MLA Formatting and Style Guide. (Right-click Open in New Window)
one paragraph describing the first four Evaluation Criteria.
one paragraph describing the sources usefulness in your Argument Essay
a total of about 150 words (both paragraphs combined).
Much less and you risk not including enough detail to be useful.
Much more and you risk negating the usefulness of the annotated bibliography as a quick reference.

Formatting Requirements:
Use MLA formatting in a Google Document.
All sources must contain a full MLA formatted citation. Full details for citation can be found in Cengage.
Another resource for MLA format citation models is the OWL at Purdues MLA Formatting and Style Guide (Right click Open Link in New Tab)
Grading Criteria:
To get full credit, the Module 5 Annotated Bibliography should be:
at least 500 words on the assigned topic.
a minimum of six paragraphs (two per annotation).
in MLA Format
your original work. The purpose of using outside sources is to support your ideas, not to provide the actual content of your paper.
I will use the ENG 111 Rubric for Annotated Bibliography to grade the final draft of the assignment.
To Submit: Upload the first draft to the SafeAssignment link in Module 5.
The SafeAssignment area contains detailed instructions for submitting the assignment.
You must upload the assignment as a Microsoft Word file (.docx), which you can create from a Google Document by clicking (File Download as Microsoft Word).
Do not write your paper in the Comments box on the SafeAssignment page.
Writing assignments can be turned in up to three days late with a 10% penalty per day.
Specific Guidelines:
Follow these guidelines to the best of your ability.
Choose three credible sources that you plan to use in your Argument Essay
Use at least one internet source and at least one peer reviewed source.
Create a full, correct MLA Style citation for each source.
Answer the following questions about your source. If you do not know an answer to a question, write that the information is missing.
Who wrote the article?
What education and experience does the author have to qualify him or her to write about this subject?
What organization owns the web page or what is the name of the publication?
Is the information up-to-date? How do you know?
Does the article contain an unfair bias? Why or why not?
Who is the target audience for the article (general public, students, experts)?
Was the article meant to simply present information or convince the readers to do something or change their perspective?
Does this article have a low, medium, or high level of credibility? Explain your choice by referring to the answers to the above questions.
Add a second paragraph describing the sources usefulness for your argument paper.
Repeat steps 2-4 for the remainder of your sources.
Download the final draft of your Annotated Bibliography in Microsoft Word file format.

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