APA (edition "APA 6") Economics


For this assessment task, you will submit a short essay to illustrate how one or more macroeconomic theories or concepts covered in the course can be used to understand a current macroeconomic issues published in any peer reviewed journal article of their choice on or after 1st of November 2019. To complete this task you are required to:

1. Introduce the journal article you are reviewing.
2. Summarise the key points made in the journal article.
3. Critique the journal article. This includes: critique of the literature review and theoretical framework; critique of the study design and methods; and critique of the results and discussion.
4. Conclude and provide a personal comments pertaining to the journal article and how it relates to the course material. 

Additional Information:

Your submission should include your analysis (i.e. your essay) as well as full copy of your chosen journal article (eg. attached as an appendix or clearly scanned copy). Note: you cannot use a journal article that has already been covered in the course, including in the lectures, tutorials, textbook or other supplementary materials that may be posted on Blackboard).
The analysis (excluding the journal article and references) should have fewer than 2000 words.
References can be done in any professional style, so long as it is consistent.
There are no specific formatting requirements, but you should ensure that your essay is clear and easy to read.
There is no limit to the length of your chosen journal article.

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