APA Social Sciences

M3A4 Private Care

For this activity you will be observing the care of an elderly person. The person should be someone who requires a caregiver and cannot live on their own. This can be a relative or someone you know. If you don’t know anyone personally, you might want to contact a local agency and ask them if they might find someone who is willing to allow you to observe them.

Observe for at least two hours.
Write a response regarding the following (if you did not observe any of these, ask the caregiver about it):
Nutrition – What do they eat, how do they eat, etc.
Medical – What are the health issues?
Physical – What are the physical limitations?
Mental – What is their mental state?
Emotional – What is their emotional state?
Social – What are their social habits?
Write a response to the following about the elderly and yourself:
Problems – What are the problems they face? How do you feel about this?
Needs – What are the needs they have? How do you feel about this?
Feelings – What sort of feelings do they have? How do you fee about this?
Write one revision you would make in the home for the care of the elderly.

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