
Literature Critique

Literature Critique

Order Description

Critique the following two articles by comparing and contrasting them to each other. Other relevant articles or literature may be used in the critique.

The first article:
Youndt, M. A., Snell, S. A., Dean, J. W., & Lepak, D. P. (1996). Human resource management, manufacturing strategy, and firm performance. Academy of management Journal, 39(4), 836- 866.

The second article:
Jackson, S. E., Schuler, R. S., & Jiang, K. (2014). An aspirational framework for strategic human resource management. The Academy of Management Annals, 8(1), 1-56.

Write topic sentences for each paragraph except for Introduction. This is exactly what you need to do for various sections and sub-sections within the literature review.
(Introduction = 150-200 words, Body: 1200, Conclusion 100-150 words)

Assignment Literature Critique – Guide and Assessment Criteria

Is the paper well informed 20%
Demonstrates appropriate understanding of the issues.
Shows awareness of relevant ideas and arguments raised in the literature.

Is the paper well-argued? 30%
Relationships between specific points/issues are made clear.
The paper is analytical rather than descriptive.
There is an obvious argument within the paper

Is the paper well structured? 30%
The introduction is clear and signals the aim and direction the paper.
The body of the paper is cohesive and built on a logical sequence of relevant paragraph based points.
The conclusion follows logically from the body of the paper with a justified resolution to the argument.

Is the paper well written? 10%
The writing is clear, concise and smooth-flowing.
Each paragraph introduces and develops a specific point.
Sentences are properly constructed and the prose is grammatically correct and well punctuated.
Word choice is appropriate and spelling is correct.

Is the paper well referenced? 10%
Sources used are adequately and accurately referenced throughout the paper
The reference list is presented consistently and accurately.