APA (edition "APA 6") Law

Law Enforcement Ethics in San Antonio and Austin

Compare and contrast San Antonio and Austin law enforcement code of ethics.

Seven pages, double spaced, use APA as the style manual. Use the Purdue OWl:  https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

Compare and contrast at least six major points for the policies.

Summarize with your recommendations (at least three) for improving both  policies, for a total of six recommendations.

Argue your points and support them from the literature. That means peer reviewed journal articles, scholarly journals, professional web sites or other academic references.

Be sure to cite in the narrative and reference your sources in the reference page.

You may use the text as additional sources but at least six should be new.

The paper should be submitted in MS-Word in APA writing style that means running head, title page, abstract page with key words, double space narrative with in-text citation and a reference page in APA  writing style.

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