Lab Report on Colour blindness
lab report on colour blindness. We used an online simulation to see the possibilities of when two parents can have kids that are colour blind. The simulation then produced 100 offspring from the parents and we were able to see the different effects.
Some specific things that I needed help on are:
– creating the title for the lab
– Adding information to the discussion and introduction
– Editing the entire report
– Could you also add some information on the importance of a large sample size in the methods section
The format for the assignment should be followed and is attached below:
Organize into 3 sections:
1. why was this study conducted?
• what is/are the broad question(s) being asked? why is there an interest in this topic?
2. what is currently known about this topic?
• usually the longest portion of the introduction
• provide a concise review of relevant and current research
3. how does this report contribute to the body of knowledge on this topic?
state your purpose
Method: (must be 1 page)
• briefly describe what was done and how (assume your study involved human subjects, not a simulation)
• justify the experimental design and sampling details.
• write in the past tense, in complete but concise sentences and paragraphs
Discussion (must be 1.5 pages)
Provides analyses and interpretations of results obtained in the study, relating back to the purpose posed in the introduction and to the relevant current literature.
May be organized into 3 sections:
1. introduction to the discussion
• briefly revisit points first brought up in the introduction to tie everything together
2. analysis and interpretation of results
• the longest portion of the discussion
a) introduce a result, or some aspect of a result with respect to the purpose; do not just reiterate the results as were presented in the Results section, rather you should focus on a key aspect that you wish to interpret
b) provide an interpretation of the result based on your data combined with background scientific knowledge
c) does your result/interpretation agree with the literature? if not, provide a possible explanation (assume you were working with human subjects; provide explanations only in terms of biological possibilities)
3. summary
• summarize any conclusions you have drawn from your study and discuss potential implications with regard to the broader question(s)
include suggestions for future work