APA (edition "APA 6") Economics

Impediments to Economic Development

Discuss the contention that caste systems and patriarchal social systems are far more significant than poor natural resource endowments and corruption as impediments to economic development.
Your answer should be typed in double-line spacing and should not exceed 1600 words (references included). Avoid using extensive quotations from any of your sources. Apply theoretical perspectives from the course but also support your arguments with appropriate evidence.

Criteria & Marking:
Marks will be awarded for:
(i)  Evidence of the extent of relevant reading that has been undertaken, both in terms of breadth and depth, especially from the scholarly literate rather than merely referring to media reports and sources that have not been peer-reviewed (8 marks);
(ii)  Insight, critical thinking and creativity evident in applying theoretical perspectives to the topic (8 marks) ;
(iii)  Quality of writing (2 marks);
(iv)  Accuracy and consistency of referencing (2 marks). (It is recommended that you put your reference list together using EndNote and use the default APA format.)

I’ve attached some lecture handout for you, there are some theoretical perspectives you gonna apply in this essay and also a textbook you may find it useful.

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