Humanities MLA

Humanities discousion 5

Review the art, documents, and artifacts presented over the course of the semester so far (you can even peek ahead to Module 6 on Modernism if you want). Select one specific artifact that you believe would best represent the cultural complexity and reality of America 1900.

Your selections may include examples of visual art, literature, or other historical documents like letters – basically any cultural object that might be exhibited in a museum or library. Your selections should be specific, however. For example, “landscape paintings” is not a specific selection. Instead choose one specific painting that you want represented.

Explain your reasons for why this selection is a meaningful choice to represent the history and human experience of the United States circa 1900. How did you make your decision? Were you aware of certain criteria or cultural values that influenced your selections? Can we be honest with each other about what selecting that one artifact would leave out of the story of 1900?.

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