
History 109 Western Civ 1

History 109 Western Civ 1

Place the letter of the best answer in the blank provided on the left(2 Points each)
____1) When the Vikings invasions began
a)  they decentralized government
b)  they left the Churches alone
c)  Kings showed their strength by defeating them
d)  they attacked only caravans

____2)  Which describes the government structure of the Middle Ages?
a) Feudalism
b) Manorialism
c) Homage
d) Vassalage

____3) All the following invaders threatened Europe EXCEPT
a) the Vikings
b) the Muslims
c) the Vandals
d) the Magyars

____4) The existence of a serf was
a) dismal
b) based on a need for protection by the lord
c) marred by feelings of hopelessness
d) all of the above

_____5) By the end of the Middle Ages
a) there was many plagues
b) there was a population explosion
c)feudalism was breaking up
d) there were both plagues and the breakup of feudalism

____6) The effect of the Black Death was that it
a) spread quickly throughout Europe
b) spread by cats
c) killed about one third of the World’s population
d) would have worse but Europeans were well fed at the time

____7) The bubonic plague (Black Death) originated in
a) Mongolia
b) India
c) Sicily
d) Jerusalem

____8) Most of the children of the Children’s Crusade were
a) restrained from going on it
b) sold into slavery
c) walked towards the Holy Land in ever increasing numbers
d) were part of the last Crusade
____9) Feudalism collapsed because
a) the Crusades
b) the growth of cities
c) the Great Famine and Black Death
d) all of the above
___10) The 4th Crusade was the least religious because
a) took Jerusalem
b) never left port
c) sacked Constantinople
d) captured Antioch
___11) Who was crowned “Emperor of the Romans”?
a) Pepin the Short
b) Charles the Bald
c) Charlemagne
d) Louis the Pious

___12) The principle export of Northern Europe
a) cheese
b) lumber
c) iron
d) wool

___13) The Norman conquest of England was due to their victory at
a) Hastings
b) Dover
c) Strafford Bridge
d) London

___14) Charlesmagne
a) created an empire that took in most of France and Germany
b) was a leader of a barbarian tribes
c) was a pope
d) was a Roman emperor

___15) All the following were English victories in the 100 Years War EXCEPT
a) Crecy
b) Portiers
c) Agincourt
d) Tours

___16) At the Battle of Tours
a) fell
b) the Franks defeated the Muslims
c) the Crusaders captured Jerusalem
d) England lost to France in the 100 Years War

___17) Henry VIII broke with the Church over
a) a war between supporters of the French and Italian Popes
b) a dispute over the best way to get to Heaven
c) divorcing his wife
d) a war between France and England

___18) Venice’s rise to power was based on all the following EXCEPT
a) a monopoly of trade with Constantinople and Middle East
b) banking
c) a large naval/merchant fleet
d) a merchant ruling class

___19) What war between England and France led to the development of both nations?
a) The War of the Roses
b) The 100 Years War
c) The Thirty Years War
d) The War of the Barons

___20) A major factor in Western Europe’s quest to explore was
a) overcrowding
b) new trade routes to India
c) the fear of Islam
d) wanting to spread the Catholic religion

Pick 10 of the following 15 people, places, and events. Describe them completely as possible in 2 or 3 sentences.(3 pts each)

1) The Moors
2) Henry V
3) Anglo-Saxons
4) Battle of Hastings
5) freeman
6) pilgrims
7) Hugh Capet
8) Joan of Arc
9) Richard III
10) The Peasant’s Crusade
11) Henry VII
12) Charles the Bald
13) William the Conqueror
14) Jerusalem
15) Serf

Pick 2 of the following 4 questions and answer as completely as possible (10 pts each)

What conditions led to the development of the Italian city-states?

What major social changes affected Europe after 1000 AD?

How “holy” were the Holy Crusades?

What conditions led to the beginning of exploration by the developing European countries?