History MLA

Hist 1302PaperPrompt, At the Dark End of the Street, by Danielle McGuire

Hist 1302PaperPrompt, At the Dark End of the Street, by Danielle McGuireFall2020Instructions:Please answer  the  prompt  question(s)  in  essay  form. Your  papermust containclear  and concise analysis and beat leastthree pagesin length(no more than five), double-spaced, with one-inch margins and twelve-point font. The paper is worth 125points. Itmust be turned in via the link on D2L by the day it is due. Prompt Question(due Saturday, November 28, 2020):In your paper, discuss the ways Rosa Parks and other blackwomen played central roles in organizingthe Black Freedom Movement and why their histories have been altered or pushed to the margins.How hasMcGuires focus onthe struggle forblack womens bodily integrity and freedom from racial andsexual violencechallengedor enrichedyour understanding of the ideology of white supremacy and the struggle for racial equality in America?

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