APA (edition "APA 6") Health Care and Life Sciences

Health in All Policies Advocacy Letter

For the focus of this assignment, use the identified health issue for your selected zip code and supportive data from the CHNA & ISP reports from Weeks 1 & 2.

Watch the TED talk, Political Change with Paper and Pencil by Omar Ahmad (5:52).

Predict the need for advocacy with a strategic approach for the selected health issue/zip code from Weeks 1 &2. Use data from CHNA and ISP reports for your selected zip code.
Investigate the California state legislature http://www.legislature.ca.gov/bill_information.html
US Congress
https://www.congress.gov/search?q={%22source%22:%22legislation%22}&searchResultViewType=expanded websites to determine if there is pending action or established policy supporting the identified health issue.
Identify one state or federal legislator representing your selected zip code. Use the “Find your legislator/member by address” feature from the California State Legislature Directory or the US Congress Directory Use the PHN Advocacy Resources file below for additional contacts.
Determine the legislator’s support for the health issue in the community (zip code). If necessary, call the legislator’s office and ask an aide what actions are being taken on behalf of the community on that issue.

Write a letter of advocacy to the legislator regarding the health issue.
Use the four-paragraph format described in Ahmad’s Ted Talk:
Acknowledge the legislator
Write a compelling argument about the importance of the health issue in the local community
Provide data supporting your proposed strategy for the issue
Establish yourself as a professional ally for the legislator

Format your assignment as a concise one-page letter. Edit fiercely!

Include a 2nd page for References. Be sure to reference the CHNA and ISP reports, legislative research, and legislator.

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