APA Other

Haoyuan Xu


Part 1 Option #1: For those who attended the Webinar last Thursday, Tell me 3 things that jumped out during the session. For each thing, write a 3-5 summary for each one (9-15 sentences)


Part 1 Option #2: For those of you who DID NOT make it to the Webinar, watch the see the Webinar link below and watch. Then tell me 3 things that jumped out during the session. For each thing, write a 3-5 summary about each thing. (

2. SPORTS COMPANY SPOTLIGHT: DRAFTKINGS  (Due by Noon on Wednesday, 4/1)

Part 1: This week we take a look at ‘sports gambling’ and the evolution of the startup company DraftKings. See the link
below to listen to an episode of Freakanomics. 

Part 2: Listen to Freakanomics episode above and then include the answers to the questions below in your SPM 1006 Seminar Course WEEK #9 Email.

– Subject Line: Economics of Sports Gambling

– Body of Email: While listening, answer the following questions below:

1. At approximately the 5:08-7:45 time mark, you meet Peter Gethers. Tell me 3-5 sentences, tell me a couple things you learned about him. 

2. At approximately the 7:45 time mark, how many people roughly play fantasy sports in the US and Canada? How many in India?

3. At approximately the 8:15 time mark, what is approximate amount of revenue generated each year?

4.  At approximately the 9:40 time mark, what was the ‘gift of a lifetime” that has recently changed Fantasy Sports?

5.  At approximately the 10:55 time mark, we meet Jason Robins. Who is Jason Robins?

6.  At approximately the 12:40 time mark, Jason Robins talks about the idea to start his own company. What was ‘interesting’
and different about his idea?

7.  At approximately the 12:40 time mark, Jason Robins talks about the idea to start his own company. What was ‘interesting’
and different about his idea that became the ‘high level basis’ for his company?

8.  At approximately the 13:20 time mark, who is/was one of Draft Kings competitors?

9.  At approximately the 13:30 time mark, Jason talks about raising money for his company. About how many investor meetings did he have?

10.  At approximately the 14:24 time mark, what sort of competitive advantage did Draft Kings think that they had?

11.  At approximately the 14:55 time mark, how many current users does Draft Kings have and about how much market share do they have?

12.  At approximately the 15:05 time mark, how much of a cut does Draft Kings take on a bet?

13.  At approximately the 15:35 time mark, the podcast starts to get into leaglities of gambling. What was the 1992 law that passed about betting on Sports?

14.  At approximately the 16:10 time mark, we get introduced to Victor Matheson. How much money did Victor Matheson estimate was being bet per year on sports?

15.  At approximately the 16:10 time mark, we get introduced to Victor Matheson. Who is Victor Matheson?

16.  At approximately the 16:30 time mark, what does ‘Black Market’ mean to Victor Matheson?

17.  At approximately the 18:30 time mark, Jason talks about how regulators started to come down on Draft Kings. What are the 3 factors/criteria that government regulators look for to consider something ‘gambling’?

18.  At approximately the 19:45 time mark, why did Draft Kings and Fan Duel NOT merge together?

19.  At approximately the 20:25 time mark, we learn about how Fan Duel worked with MIT University. Why were they working together and what was the result?

20.  At approximately the 25:00 time mark, what happened in New York shortly after Peko Hosoi from MIT submitted her results of her research?

21.  At approximately the 27:15 time mark, what did Peter predict would happen in 2020?

22.  At approximately the 27:40 time mark, what does ‘Black Market’ mean to Victor Matheson?

23.  At approximately the 32:32 time mark, where can ‘sports gambling’ be traced back to?

24.  At approximately the 33:30 time mark, what was the BIG result of the Murphy Vs NCAA case?

25.  At approximately the 34:45 time mark, what is/will incentivize states to legalize sports gambling? Why is this a DREAM for a Sports Economist(answer in 3-5 sentences)

26.  At approximately the 36:30 time mark, how much of a tax % cut does the State of NJ take on sports gambling in casinos and online bets?

27.  At approximately the 36:30 time mark, what does Peter warn about possible bad effect of states taking too much taxes?

28.  At approximately the 36:30 time mark, what does Peter warn about possible bad effect of states taking too much taxes?

29.  At approximately the 38:00 time mark, who are some of the WINNERS and LOSERS IN sports gambling?

30.  At approximately the 41:50 time mark, why is the NCAA potentially the big loser in all these recent gambling changes?

31.  At approximately the 43:00 time mark, why has Cricket been one of the most corrupt sports?

32.  At approximately the 49:50 time mark, why is the Professor concerned about college students, what does the data show now?

33.  At approximately the 51:45 time mark, what is winning gambling strategy that ‘only an economist would love’?

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