APA (edition "APA 6") Business and Management

Global Business Plan – Activity #2

Global Business Plan – Activity #2 Instructions

Prepare and submit a Preliminary Business Plan for the global product or service which you have selected.

This Plan is should be at least 15 slides in length (not counting the appendices).  Use Microsoft PowerPoint format, including standard themes and layouts.  Following is the desired format:

Title Page. (1 slide)

Table of Contents. Please include slide numbers. (1 slide)

Section 1: Background. Note: your global product or service must be sold in a location outside of the U.S., produced in a global location and have other factors pertinent to global business.

– Update the general overview/basic facts about the product or service from Activity #1. (minimum 2 slides). 

– Update the slides from Activity #1 that address population of the country you selected, growth opportunities in the country and FDI Attractiveness. (minimum 2 slides)

– Update the slides from Activity #1 covering political risk, economic risk and legal risk. (minimum 2 slides)

Section 2: Preliminary Business Plan.  Present your preliminary business plan.  New for Activity #2.

– Address how social and cultural considerations for the country you selected affect your global product or service (from Globalization Case Study #3). (minimum 2 slides)

– Explain your strategy for your product/service (from Globalization Case Study #4).  Be sure to identify which strategy you will use — Globalization, International, Transnational or Locationization — and explain why. (minimum 2 slides)

– Explain your selection for where the product/service is produced and where it will be sold.  Discuss why you think the global product/service might be successful. (minimum 2 slides)

List of References.  Use APA format.  (minimum 1 slide)

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