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Forum 2

Reply to two discussions about a research paper I will be writing. Each reply needs to be at least 100 words in length. Label them 1 and 2. I will provide an example of what it should sort of look like.

1. For my research paper, I have chosen to discuss the topic of generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD. In our textbook, people with generalized anxiety disorders can be described as someone who is always anxious in nearly every situation (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2020, p. 129). I have chosen this disorder because I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder back in 2012. Unfortunately, I not only suffer from GAD, but also social anxiety. I also have a cousin who is about to be 12, that I love him like he is my own, who suffers from anxiety as well. He is constantly worrying about something like the what ifs and how sos and whether so-and-so has done what he is supposed to do. I have done some research on the topic, but I would like to take this opportunity to further my knowledge. According to the article I chose, generalized anxiety disorder is very common and can even be disabling (Cuijpers, 2014, p. 131). Treatments that may be available for GAD includes the use of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). These treatments have large effects on worrying, anxiety and depression (Cujupers, 2014, p. 137). The researchers tried different types of treatments along with CBT like applied relaxation. While applied relaxation was effective, it seemed that CBT was preferred and most effective amongst the two. Test subjects seemed to feel at ease about situations once CBT was administered over a period of time. Unfortunately, because of the study limitations, the researchers were unable to gather follow up information on the test subjects. Thankfully though, this meta-analysis has shown the effectiveness of CBT in adults facing generalized anxiety disorder.

2. I have chosen to research paranoid schizophrenia as my specific mental disorder. In an article called Schizophrenia, it goes into depth about this specific mental disorder by stating what it is, how it is diagnosed, medications used to treat and help with the disorder, and the outcomes typically associated with it. The article begins by stating that this disease is characterized by a combination of symptoms that can alter a persons sense of reality and change the ability to attend to normal life functions, such as work, school, and relationships (Lukens & Devylder, 2014). The article mentions the numerous ways that having schizophrenia affects society. Because the person diagnosed, which is only one percent of the population, is in a state of vulnerability, they seem idiosyncratic and as a result they are given a variety of different labels, mostly negative. Overall, I am excited to learn more about this type of disorder and just from reading over this single article I can already tell how vital it will be for professionals dealing with this disorder, families of the person diagnosed, and even the community to understand what this mental disorder is so they can know how to handle people with schizophrenia.

Thank you for your discussion on anxiety disorder. It would appear that anxiety disorder is becoming more and more common, especially with younger and younger people.  I work in the youth group at our church and have many young ladies who have been diagnosed with some kind of anxiety disorder.  Several are even taking medication for it.  I also have a little fellow in my AWANA group who suffers from anxiety.  According to the textbook, social anxiety disorders often develop earlier in life (Nolen-Hoeskema, 2016, p. 121). It would be interesting to explore the effects of social media, or the overuse of technology on social anxiety issues.  These would be some areas involving anxiety that I would like to know more about.
While there are many contributing factors to anxiety, once the possible physiological causes are explored, as a counselor, I would attempt to bring clarity to the perpetrator of anxiety and fear, at the same time, helping clients to turn toward the source and sustainer of peace.  We are reminded in Isaiah 26:3-4 that God keeps us in peace.  We can trust Him because of who He is! Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock (Isaiah 26:4). These references to God remind us of His mightiness and His ability to handle anything because He needs no one or anything.

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