Business & Finance

Essay Please Carefully Read Instructions (Study Guide Attached)



In this unit, you were introduced to the psychological foundations of leadership along with several different models of leadership. Choose a successful leader and write an essay that addresses the major psychological foundations affecting your chosen leader. The leader you choose can be someone you know personally or a well-known leader. Make sure to address the following topics in your essay, as they will lead to the achievement of the unit learning outcomes.

  • Explain the foundational leadership traits your chosen leader exhibits. Use specific examples to illustrate your points. [Unit Learning Outcome 1.1]
  • Your chosen leader most likely does not exemplify just one model of leadership but may exhibit a mixture of many to create an individualized style. Based on your observations, what are the models he or she exhibits the most? [Unit Learning Outcomes 4.1 and 4.2]
  • Why do you think it is important to correlate leadership traits and models? How are these two concepts connected? [Unit Learning Outcome 1.2]

Your essay should be a minimum of two pages with a separate title page and reference page. You must use at least one scholarly source from the CSU Online Library in addition to your textbook as references. Click to access a video from the CSU Online Library to learn how to find peer-reviewed articles. You may also incorporate additional reliable sources if necessary. Your essay should follow APA 6th edition format.

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