
Drama/Mater Harold…. and the boys and Angels in America the millennium approache

Drama/Mater Harold…. and the boys and Angels in America the millennium approache

Paper details:
Write a five pages paper on (reading) self and the other ( identity) the two plays I want is Mater Harold…. and the boys and Angels in America the millennium approache
Unit 7, which means 0 . 0 0 the plays you have read for the course (The
Plays.) The focus of your essay should in some: u WI“ have your Chaim from at IeaSt four Of the five
V wa
identity. For example, you can examine how eachy loum‘on the Idea Of se’f/Otherfia’so known as
different ideas of identity, Or you can ‘ pal/wright uses different characters to I’Epresenti
Mays (Th _ eXp ore the intersection of society and id
ese are Just suggestions and you should not fe ll’ ‘ 8mm, as portrayed m m
all about Vour essay’s main argument l e ‘m‘md to them.) ” you have any quesuons 3‘
p ease let me know me sooner rather than later.
Here is a brief ch
“HM of ‘mPOl’tant things you must include in your paper:
0 Your name and the course name in the upper left corner of the first page
0 Page numbers
0 Title
0 Clear, specific thesis statement
0 Specific examples from each text
0 A thoughtful conclusion that does more than simply repeat your thesis statement, but instead
offers an answer to the question of “so what?” (In other words, your conclusion should make
understand why your essay matters.)
9 Citations for all quoted material
7 ‘ o A list of any outside sources consulted (I encourage you to do some research.l
r 7 Here is an even briefer list of what to avoid including in your paper:
t V r . ‘ spelling and grammatical errors
0 Plot summary
r . ‘ ‘ i that is not our own original writing
Plaglarlzed materialwremember to ate all matena Y