
Disscussion Board Forum 2

Disscussion Board Forum 2

Order Description

• Topic: In addition to the readings for this module/week, visit the website for Liberty University’s Center for Apologetics and Cultural Engagement (ACE) at www.liberty.edu/ace. Watch the following video on the website to prepare for this Discussion Board Forum:
• JD Greear Interview Assurance
After completing the readings for the week and watching the videos, please respond to the following Discussion Board Forum prompt:

“From a biblical perspective, what is salvation (include at least 2 Scripture verses to support your answer)?”

In order to create a collaborative learning environment, this course requires you to complete 2 graded Discussion Board Forums. Interaction between fellow students and the course instructor makes up a significant portion of your grade for this course.
For each of the 2 graded forums, the instructor will provide you with a thought-provoking topic that will help start your online discussion. Each Discussion Board Forum is completed in 2 parts over the course of 2 modules/weeks. In the first module/week of the forum, you will post a new thread that directly addresses the prompt provided by the instructor. In the subsequent module/week, you will post 3 meaningful replies to at least 3 classmates’ threads. Thus, for each forum, you are required to post a minimum of 4 times: 1 thread and 3 replies. The instructor will observe online discussions throughout the assigned modules/weeks and may interject his or her comments intermittently. Feel free to respond to the instructor’s comments in addition to your required replies to your classmates’ postings. Follow the guidelines provided below as you complete each part of the forums.
•    Respond to the questions/ideas that are presented in the instructor’s prompt.
•    Provide strong, logical reasons to support the response that you give.
•    Include quotes from at least 2 sources from the assigned readings to support your reasons.
•    Formal footnotes/endnotes are not required; just include page number(s) and/or textbook/article title for students and instructors to check context. However, if you are using resources outside of the course, you will need to provide consistent form of documentation.
•    Your thread must be at least 350 words composed in 3 or more paragraphs.
•    Threads are due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of the first module/week in which the forum is assigned.
•    First, summarize what you think your classmate intended to communicate in his/her thread in order to remind readers of the ideas in your classmate’s thread and to clarify any miscommunication or misinterpretation that may occur.
•    Second, commend at least 1 good point that he/she raised in his/her thread. Explain why you identified that particular point raised by your classmate.
•    Third, contribute new information or ideas to further the discussion; present additional facts, Scriptures, or applications to the current discussion that have not yet been mentioned, or redirect the discussion to another appropriate path.
•    Finally, encourage your classmate to continue growing in their understanding of organization, administration, and spiritual development, and/or type out a positive prayer to the Lord on behalf of your classmate.
•    Each reply must be at least 100 words composed in 1 paragraph.
•    Do not begin posting your replies until the module/week that they are assigned. Replies are due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of the second module/week the Forum is assigned.
Review the Discussion Board Forums Grading Rubric to see the specific criteria on which you will be graded.