APA (edition "APA 6") Mathematics and Statistics

Data visualization

Diagram: based on the required video “How to create cause-and-effect diagrams (3:16) HarvardX” in Lesson 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLvizyDFLQ4 , you will create a cause-and-effect diagram (also called fish-bone diagram) of a phenomenon related to COVID-19. A phenomenon related to COVID-19 could be any problem/phenomenon/measure/target raised by or related to COVID-19. You can use any tool to create the diagram or you can draw the diagram by hand. You should at least list one element in each “bone”/line of your diagram.
1 paragraph explanation of your diagram: you will need to write 1 paragraph below your diagram to explain each element in your diagram – why you choose to add this factor/element in the position of the diagram.
Format: you should save/submit your diagram+explanation as a PDF file named YourLastName_Assignment2 under “Assignment 2” .
100 points:

Diagram (55 points)
1 paragraph explanation (40 points)
Format (5 points)

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