The main instructions are on the PDF attached. The FaceBook article has been attached and the link to Ted Talk. For the third question in the instructions, my original question was “Are these types of advertisements still marketed to genders today?”, but I have also attached the previous assignment it was referring to. Ted talk …
Category: Undergraduate
Letter to a Legislator
In this exercise, you will write a two-page letter to your state or federal representative about a health-care issue currently being discussed/debated. Research where your representative stands on a current health-care issue as well as where the medical profession, such as professional organizations, practicing medical professionals, patients, and other advocates, stands on the issue. In …
Media Influence
I have attached the main instructions as a file – Paper instructions- but also consider this: You are expected to summarize and reflect upon how your actual experience compares to course topics and Applied Studies learning objectives, and very specifically, to elaborate on the intersections of media, culture, politics, economy and new professional markets as …
Learning journal
It’s a learning journal for a “Digital Online Solution” class. I have attached the instructions in BLACK. I wrote a little bit in BLUE to navigate you or help. You can either delete my blue input and write your own. Or just expand on it. No reference needed.
Any topic (writer’s choice)
A 3-4 page essay includingAn instructor-approved work/piece of mediaArticulation of why you think the media is importantA thesis that helps orient readers to the purpose and major claims of your essay (Detailed evidence from the work that supports your evaluation (two ormore secondary sources that offer additional evidence)
Baroque style
The Baroque style was grand and extravagant, rich in new design styles. Architecture and interior design included a new emphasis on sculptural and painted forms. Shapes from nature, such as leaves, shells, and scrolls, provided a vocabulary to enrich the classical form of earlier Renaissance design. Select one architect/designer/furniture maker from the list below. Provide …
Impact of Mobile Technology
1000 words minimum, 4 pages but the fourth is a Works cited page. Hyman, I. E., Boss, S. M., Wise, B. M., McKenzie, K. E., & Caggiano, J. M. (2010). Did you see the unicycling clown? Inattentional blindness while walking and talkingon a cell phone. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 24(5), 597-607. Misra, S., Cheng, L., Genevie, …
When the People You Love Dont Think Like You
Facione & Gittens (2016) state, “Strong critical thinking about complex and difficult social policies demands that we respect those with whom we disagree” (p. 344). The authors of your text ask us to take seriously the points of view of those with whom we disagree. Should I respect the point of view of a misogynist …
critical thinking
Critical ThinkingGo back to your very first journal entry review your definition of critical thinking. After studying critical thinking for the past eight weeks, would you change your definition in any way? If yes, how and why? If no if it was perfect what parts of the text were best reflected in your definition?Heart of …
what do I value
At the very end of Chapter 13, there is a Group Exercise that asks: What ideals would you go to war to defend? We are not going to ask you to go to war, but we are going to ask you to think about what ideals or values you believe would be worth defending even …