Natural science Undergraduate

Astronomy. What is an exoplanet

About 3 to 5 pages– Decent, formal, scientific English. (no slang or unformal expressions).– Typewritten.– Figures can be drawn by hand.– At least one figure and no more than three figures.– Figures must have a caption.– At least two references NOT WEBSITES! A reference can be a book (our textbook is acceptable) or an article; …

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Religion / Theology Undergraduate

Romans 1:16-17 Righteousness by Faith

Need an Exergesis Paper written In Turabian . 5-7 pages double spaced.  Here are some resources Brown, Jared R. Christs Obedient Slave: Pauls Use of Ethos in Romans 1:117. RAMIFY: The Journal of the Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts (n.d.): 6478. Description: Jared Brown writes about Pauls use of rhetoric and ethos in explaining …

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Health Care and Life Sciences Undergraduate

Discussion post

Part I: Download the attached Survey document by clicking on this link: Survey  Evaluate your household for the hazardous products listed and report on how you’re doing.  Research and provide a brief report, in your own words, on two of the hazardous chemicals listed on the survey, focusing particular attention on what effects these chemicals …

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Philosophy Undergraduate

Free college For

This week, you will complete your argumentative paper. Following the directions in assigned textbook reading on how write an argumentative essay on the issue you chose in Week 1. Be sure your essay contains the following: An opening paragraph that states a clear thesis that is focused, plausible, and arguable and that gives direction and …

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English and Literature Undergraduate


1/Problem solving depends on a questioning attitude that involves critical thinking, imagination and creativity.2/You are required to write an extended academic problem-solution essay of 1500 words 3/You need to use 5 to 7 reliable sources. 4/In your essay, you will focus on solving the problem by evaluating the previous solutions that were attempted to address …

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Psychology and Education Undergraduate

Chapter 10

Read Chapters: Chapter 10, 11 and pages 33 to 36: The Humanistic Model  Read the scriptures: Daniel 4:3334.Select 1 or 2 topics or concepts from the weekly reading from Week Five to include in your Learning Journal. Be sure to include reflections on the scriptural reading for the week in your journal as well. Use …

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Law Undergraduate

final project

Final Project Instructions For your final project, you will choose the side of the defense attorney or the prosecuting attorney. You can only choose one side. With your role in mind, read the fact pattern and then read the instructions below.Facts:A murder was committed in a small town and John B. Bad is the main …

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