History Undergraduate

Prophecy- Isaiah

Choose one biblical passage (set of verses / paragraph / chapter) that we have studied in class and explain in your own words what you learned about it in this course. Your paper should be 400-500 words, which is the equivalent of about 3-4 paragraphs. Your paper must include: (1) A title including the passage …

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Social Sciences Undergraduate

Immigration Policies

Research, discuss, and analyze an immigration policy from another country. *WRITER -YOU MAY SELECT THE COUNTRY OF YOUR CHOICE ** After discussing and analyzing the immigration policy from the other country, compare and contrast it with a United States immigration policy. What is the policy? Whom does it impact? Whom does it benefit? Whom does …

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Social Sciences Undergraduate

Immigration Challenges

research and discuss three challenges that immigrants today (by today, I mean within the past 20 years) experience that immigrants from the past did not. In your discussion, please make sure you mention assimilation patterns, acculturation, prejudice, discrimination, and dominant-minority group relations. use at least two scholarly resources- from google scholar. **Note- all postings must …

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English and Literature Undergraduate

Veganism vs. Omnivores

“Read Consider the Lobster to analyze how the author maneuvers around attitudes towards consuming meats. That he does so before an audience of Gourmet, an audience that may not wish to address the issue, represents quite an audacious move. He writes that he is genuinely confused about what his position ought to be. The essay …

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Health Care and Life Sciences Undergraduate

evolution theory

1000 words, MUST BE SINGLE SPACED!!!! The citation page must be numbered and when referencing the source in the paper match the number source in citation to what was used in the paper at the end of the sentence.  Discuss the theory of evolution by natural selection as proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace …

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Business and Management Undergraduate


After you are done reading the material, please write a short-answer style paper. Your paper should be double-spaced and run between 800 to 1,000 words. Please include the following in your paper: Answer the review questions appearing on page 12 of the “First Amendment and Advertising” document. If you decide to use bullet points anywhere …

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Business and Management Undergraduate

Retail and 3 legal issues

Your will select a publicly traded company and industry. Next, you will find and gather information about legal issues that are important in the industry you chose, at least 3 legal issues. Then, you will prioritize the issues, organize your research, and engage in preliminary writing. This writing will provide an overview of the legal …

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Philosophy Undergraduate

ety. Using Rawls Original Position thought experiment, provide an argument justifying the appropriate role (or, lack thereof) in this new society for one of the following technolo

Question #2 (30%) Imagine that you are tasked with creating blueprints for the role of technology in some new society. Using Rawls Original Position thought experiment, provide an argument justifying the appropriate role (or, lack thereof) in this new society for one of the following technologies: a) self-checkout machines  b) lab-grown meat c) drones Be …

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