Computer Science Not applicable

Is it Tech Comm?

Read chapter 1 in Markel’s Technical Communication, 11e Overview You may have heard the terms “business writing,” “technical writing,” and “professional writing.” These types of writing fall under the domain of technical communication, which is the subject of this course. This activity, “Is it tech comm?” familiarizes you with the concepts and forms of technical …

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English and Literature Not applicable

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Emily wants to transfer to NYU’s junior level and in the application the university asks her the question: Please provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve. Emily’s interested major is finance and management, and she is applying for the stern school of business in NYU. Plz …

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Business and Management Not applicable

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Jake is intended to apply to NYU’s stern school of business. In the application the university asks him one question: We would like to know more about your interest in NYU. We are particularly interested in knowing what motivated you to apply to NYU and more specifically, why you have applied or expressed interest in …

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Business and Management Not applicable

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Jake wants to transfer to USC junior level. His first choice major is business administration, and his second choice major is Econ&maths. His interested field of study is Business&Finance. The university asks him two essay prompt: 1. Please provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve.(no more …

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Humanities Not applicable


The picture is the order requirement, the pdf file is for the step 1. For the step 2, the podcast link is : ** There is a revision for the step three, which is the correct page number for some terms. Definition of journalism (P.48), news values list (P. 95-96), elements of Journalism (P. …

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