Health Care and Life Sciences Not applicable

community health

This assignment is intended to give you some experience in collecting basic demographic and health status data on a particular community. There are a number of resources available online that are helpful in this regard including: the County Health Rankings (link), U.S. Census Bureau, and the Community Toolbox site.  Another source of data may be …

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Natural science Not applicable

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discuss present-day environmental problems and identify their roots in Chinas environmental history. find a news article about a present-day (post-2016) environmental issue in China that is related to the topic of the lectures, films, and required readings for that week. Write a short paragraph explaining how the article is connected to that weeks them. To …

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English and Literature Not applicable

M3.4 Reflect and Ask Questions

M3.4 Reflect and Ask QuestionsReflect & Ask Questions Evolve In Module 3 you grappled with the concepts of critical thinking and argumentative reasoning for today and tomorrow. You examined the standard-bearer for scholarly thoughtthe peer-reviewed journal articleand considered what it can tell us and how it differs from other kinds of sources. In Module 4, …

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English and Literature Not applicable

M3.3 Course Project – Milestone 3

M3.3 Course Project – Milestone 3 Evaluate Thesis Statement Draft and Source EvaluationIn Modules 1 and 2 you chose a final project topic and narrowed your focus through the process of brainstorming and finding preliminary sources. Make sure you are reading your instructors feedback each week and making improvements before submitting the next Milestone. For …

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Business and Management Not applicable

Introductory Speech Outline

Select either Topic A or Topic B for your introductory speech.Topic A: Elevator Pitch. Deliver an elevator pitch that describes your professional background and experience for a potential employer during a job interview.Topic B: Dream Career. Discuss your dream career.Create an outline or speaking notes in Microsoft Word.Download the Sample Outline [DOCX], which provides guidance …

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Art Not applicable

Analyze a movie scene

Analyze one scene in God Father 1Pick one of your favorite movies (or tv show/short film), something you’ve seen before and know well. Pick a scene from the film, the most important/pivotal scene, or perhaps just your favorite one, or the most memorable. Analyze it using the terms of story structure as discussed in class. …

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