Business and Management Not applicable

Question answering

Each essay answer should be no more than 1000 words in length. You must notexceed the specified word limit. This is a maximum word limit (+10% does not apply).Markers will be instructed that they do not have to mark anything beyond the 1000words limit. There are 4 questions pick 2 to answer. Some questions have …

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Humanities Not applicable

Discussion and reflection essay

Instructions: after you have completed the reading for this module, spend some time comparing and contrasting the Holbein and Drer portraits yourself. Answer the following discussion prompt in at least a paragraph, and be sure to also post either a response to a peer or a question in the QotW thread. What similarities or differences …

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Not applicable Psychology and Education


1. Download the file titled “The Common Case – Human Resources.” The Common Case – Human Resources.docx 2. Attend or watch the recording of class where we discuss the Common Case. 3. Answer the 3 questions at the bottom of the Common Case and save the document with your responses. 4. Upload your Common Case …

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Not applicable Psychology and Education


In your CRs, try to focus on one idea or concept or question from the week’s readings/viewings/engagements that you find particularly important. Feel free always to connect to sustaining the past, present, and future of your communities and/or those communities you are in solidarity with. Week 4 Connected Texts: Wong & Pena, CSPs Chapter 7 …

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Business and Management Not applicable

Organization Observation

Conduct a 30-minute observation at a local McDonalds or Starbucks restaurant (or large international chain as stated above), and document the following. Please find a video of the work at McDonald’s or Starbucks or use your past experiences to think about the actions of the employees! – Look for specific examples of scientific management in …

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Business and Management Not applicable

Organization Observation

Conduct a 30-minute observation at a local McDonalds or Starbucks restaurant (or large international chain as stated above), and document the following. Please find a video of the work at McDonald’s or Starbucks or use your past experiences to think about the actions of the employees! – Look for specific examples of scientific management in …

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Art Not applicable

Music Experience Short Essay

Everyone has experience in music! Every member of this class has participated in a musical activity, either as a performer or listener. This assignment asks you to share your musical experiences and opinions. In a short assignment of at least one hundred words, I would like you to write about the role music has in …

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History Not applicable


This is a formal paper that “connects” at least one specific theme or issues in the readings to a contemporary issue or experiences in your life today.After completing the notes on all the readings for that day you will then select at least one of the themes/issues in the readings to connect to something in …

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English and Literature Not applicable

Corona Virus

look into the impact of the global pandemic on your life and the lessons you have learned in coping with the pandemic. What have been the most difficult lessons for you to learn? What do you think are the hidden jewels youve discovered from the experience? What are the implications of these experiences for your …

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Humanities Not applicable

Written Activity

1. Written Activity #1: Your Past & Future Via AnthropologyThis assignment is the first of a series of activities called “Public Anthropology” that we will do this semester.  It is inspired by Margaret Mead’s engagement with wider publics – not just other anthropologists.  The world, it seems, could benefit from a more anthropological perspective.  What …

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