Not applicable Psychology and Education

Student plan

In Student Plan you will interpret and analyze the information garnered from the observations and present implications for teaching and learning.  The Student Plan is based on the inferences from all three observations, and the connection between inferences and proposed strategies is clear. The Student Plan includes four specific teaching strategies to support the students …

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Not applicable Political science


PROMPT: By reading the answers given by 3 different students (see attached documents) UPDATE the answers below AND GIVE CREDIT (cite) to two students that help improve the response below. NB: Only improve the questions that need and can be improve ( No need to update all the 7 questions) Most questions are based  on …

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Not applicable Philosophy

Digital Surveillance – Is it ethical?

Your third essay should discuss either the issue of digital surveillance as presented in weeks seven and eight, or the idea of interveillance as it relates to social media introduced in weeks nine and ten.  You can take any position you like with regard to these issues and must develop an original idea. Week 8 …

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Not applicable Religion / Theology

GLST 220 – Journal Entry 4

Journal 4 (Module/ Week 8)  *** (also I’m sending back the other Journey to you, so you can look over them) Your journal entry should be at least 400 words, In your final CQ journal entry, you will reflect back on your CQ journey throughout the course. Answer the following questions in your CQ journal. …

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Business and Management Not applicable


Using the Excel File: 1. Pick 3 stocks from the Most Actives List and download the last three years of  monthly adjusted prices for these stocks and S&P 500 Index to Table 12. Calculate the monthly retuns  of these three stocks in Table 13. Calculate the standard deviations of returns for three stocks and a …

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Not applicable Psychology and Education

Mod 12

Please read attached texts and watch videos, and answer all questions.  Must be done in question answer format.Answer must thoroughly addresses each question, including diverse perspectives when relevant (e.g., explaining arguments for and against a particular approach, or offering cautions when using a particular method)You must integrate ideas from across all reading attached. Also you …

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Not applicable Psychology and Education

Module 12

Please read attached texts and watch videos, and answer all questions.  Must be done in question answer format.Answer must thoroughly addresses each question, including diverse perspectives when relevant (e.g., explaining arguments for and against a particular approach, or offering cautions when using a particular method)You must integrate ideas from across all reading attached. Also you …

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Not applicable Psychology and Education

Mod 11

Please read attached texts and watch videos, and answer all questions.  Must be done in question answer format.Answer must thoroughly addresses each question, including diverse perspectives when relevant (e.g., explaining arguments for and against a particular approach, or offering cautions when using a particular method)You must integrate ideas from across all reading attached. Also you …

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Not applicable Psychology and Education

Mod 11

Please read attached texts and watch videos, and answer all questions.  Must be done in question answer format.Answer must thoroughly addresses each question, including diverse perspectives when relevant (e.g., explaining arguments for and against a particular approach, or offering cautions when using a particular method)You must integrate ideas from across all reading attached. Also you …

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