Business and Management Not applicable

Any topic (writer’s choice) 1. In what ways did Tachounes knowledge of the Chinese language contribute to his success? Why was it particularly important given the areas of China he visited?2. Western businesses depend on documents and written contracts. What challenge did Tachoune encounter and how did he cope?3. What did Tachoune mean when he said the rules …

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Economics Not applicable

Tax issues

Make up and answer a question of your own choosing about tax issues. The subject matter is open and creative, and you can choose freely, but do not use a question provided on the study you’ve helped me with writing the paper “A Comparative Study of the Individual Income Tax System in China and the …

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Not applicable Other

A construction analysis about Laguardia Terminal B

trend analysis  and assessment for  the construction project of  Laguardia Terminal B under pandemic and in the futrue things need to talk aboout: funding addShortage of equipment suppliesComplete the project on schedule Conquering potential or upcoming local law in the future, such as Local Law 97 post pandemicLarge number of labors might be infected during …

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English and Literature Not applicable


For this discussion, you will read the poem by Linda Tuhiwai Smith, a scholar and researcher from New Zealand. She is internationally recognized for her critique of the relationship between scholarly, academic ways of knowing and indigenous knowledge. As you read her poem (and I suggest you read it slowly, perhaps twice….) consider the  prompts …

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Health Care and Life Sciences Not applicable

MN605 W9-Professional Advocacy through Association Membership

Professional Advocacy through Association Membership Professional advocacy is about supporting the interests of ones profession. Professional associations advocate for their members by uniting as a single voice and taking action to advance or remove barriers to the profession. Nurse practitioners (NPs) unite in member-created associations and organizations at many different levels: local, state, national, and …

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Business and Management Not applicable


Additional analysis: 50 points total    Create graphs of the following performance metrics over the 2 year (8 quarter) period (20pt):o    Risk weighted assetso    Basel Tier I Ratio and Basel Tier 1 + 2 Ratioo    Non-performing loans and defaulted loans (%)o    T+1 GAP and GAP Ratioso    ROA, ROE, and NIM    Provide a brief discussion of the …

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