Hello! Can you do a fake internship report of ~1page. The internship is in Paris. Were working from home because of the lockdown Its a real estate internship. The name of the place is groupe Cherpantier . They buy buildings in paris, make them better and resell them.Thanks !! Let me know if you have any questions
Category: Not applicable
any topic
Both Dust in the Wind (1986) and Still Life (2006) are realist films, yet both are also highly stylized and push the limits of cinematic realism. Explain how each film introduces a new level of formal complexity to the realist aesthetic, and how its unique cinematic strategies allow it to capture the complexity of the …
RE: Week 10 Discussion(Economics)
There is often talk in the news recently about increasing tariffs on some imports. Watch the video (Incidence of a Tariff) to prepare for this weeks discussion. Reply to these questions in your post: When the United States puts tariffs on imports, who do you think ultimately pays these tariffs? Is it the foreign companies …
RE: Week 10 Discussion( Management)
Among the many challenges managers face is providing accurate, timely, and effective feedback to employees. As a manager, how will you ensure you are giving employees the feedback they need to be successful on the job, while still carrying out the strategic plans of the organization? You are a district manager who manages 25 employees …
Cretaceous Mass Extinction
I need an article paper done asap and i only have minmuin $5 right now but i can pay more later. I need about 600-700 words for it$5 – $10 only if you can do it please let me know asap Find a media article about a scientific study on a topic related to the …
Any topic (writer’s choice)
write two response, 1 response for each question. 1 response should be 1 page long. #1: On Joys of the Wedding Chamber. How were gender values reflected in Shen Fus account about his marriage? How would you explain the popularity of Shen Fus account today? What seemed to have fascinated todays readers? #2: On A …
Classical Physics Term Paper
I can provide you with lecture slides to help you choose a topic or explore, should have an understanding of classical mechanics. 7C Term PaperDue Friday by 11:59pm Points 10 Submitting a file uploadTerm Paper The purpose of the term paper is to test your understanding of this course in general and the ability to …
Basic Questions
1. Create a survey of 5 questions with the following 5 level scale: Strongly Agree, Agree, Uncertain, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree. Your questions must revolve facial recognition systems. Make sure the questions are generic and not personal. 2. Survey Research: Generally speaking, what are some advantages and disadvantages to doing survey research? Provide an example …
1. Find an article(s) (newspaper, journal, magazine, etc.) that discusses topics related to theconcepts I uploaded, such as foreign exchange markets, monetary policy, derivatives, etc. 2. Write a one page (single-spaced) essay, relating the topic discussed in the article to the concepts I uploaded. You need to show that the material helped your deeper understanding …
4 questions each answered separately within their own paragraph. The book we are using is an introduction to America 3rd edition. 1. Compare and contrast sacred and secular music in America. (Some ideas about how to approach that are below, but feel free to explore the topic in other ways. -Why did the founding fathers …