Economics Not applicable

RE: Week 10 Discussion(Economics)

There is often talk in the news recently about increasing tariffs on some imports. Watch the video (Incidence of a Tariff) to prepare for this weeks discussion. Reply to these questions in your post: When the United States puts tariffs on imports, who do you think ultimately pays these tariffs? Is it the foreign companies …

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APA (edition "APA 6") Economics

Economic Analysis of Asia

Question 1:The economies of China and South Korea emerged from two different political systems. However, the two countries’ development policies and trajectories may present similarities.1. Compare and contrast the two countries economic development policies by showing similarities and differences. 2. Select two economic indicators to compare and contrast the development of the two countries, using …

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APA (edition "APA 6") Economics

Financial Crisis Research Paper

Examine what caused the 2008 Financial Crisis using the following HBO documentary video as a starting point. Explain the Financial Crisis solution using one of the following schools of thought. Austrian, Monetarism, Keynesian or Chicago. Make sure to cite at least three sources either in MLA or APA style and have a minimum of 250 …

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APA (edition "APA 6") Economics

Article review

a) There has been an intense debate on Aggregate Demand an Aggregate Supply side policies. Please read this blog from a few years ago. may want to watch the following video with this debate theme; are also others pay attention to the same issue: Question: Based on your readings on the topic …

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APA (edition "APA 6") Economics

Colombia’s economy and poverty reduction

1. introduce the historical and current economic condition in Colombia. Identify if the country is an example of economic success or failure. Also discuss the theoretical perspective like Modernization theory, marxist-inspired approaches, globalization theory. 2. explain how poverty in the country has been addressed. 3. how do you evaluate the efforts to alleviate poverty in …

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Economics Not applicable

Tax issues

Make up and answer a question of your own choosing about tax issues. The subject matter is open and creative, and you can choose freely, but do not use a question provided on the study you’ve helped me with writing the paper “A Comparative Study of the Individual Income Tax System in China and the …

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