Computer science and IT assignments Undergraduate

Array Searches and Sorts

Submit    the    zipped    Eclipse    project including    at    least, and    Countries1.csv.        The    zip    file    should    be    named    <your    last    name> (for    example,        The    Countries1.csv    file    contains    information    about    all    155 countries    (and    regions) in    the    world.        We    shall    call    all    these    places    countries for    our    projects.        The    program    should    …

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Computer science and IT assignments Undergraduate

IFSM Research paper

A complete description of the research paper requirements can be seen by clicking on the “Research Paper” in the Assignments tab on the top blue navigation bar. You will download the attached requirements file. The second file (“Using the References tool…”) provides additional help on including citations and references in your paper. However, there is …

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Computer science and IT assignments Undergraduate

Excel project 3

Instructions This final project puts together the functions you used in preceding projects and has you present the data in a PowerPoint presentation. So you will be completing both an Excel spreadsheet and a separate PowerPoint presentation for submission. Please make sure to look at the attached files that contain all the information, and further …

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Computer science and IT assignments High School

Add some Java code

I put together a very simple base program on, I just need some code added to meet the task criteria – essentially an Action Listener and some algorithm such as: if button-x is clicked followed immediately by button-y then directed to page which says “correct”, else gets sent to a page that says “incorrect”. …

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