This paper is on the Paraguayan film “Siete Cajas”. Here are the guidelines for the paper: 1st paragraph – summary of the film 2nd/3rd paragraph – How are the people of Paraguay struggling during the time of this film? Why are characters so desperate to the point that they are willing to risk everything for …
Category: Art
4 questions each answered separately within their own paragraph. The book we are using is an introduction to America 3rd edition. 1. Compare and contrast sacred and secular music in America. (Some ideas about how to approach that are below, but feel free to explore the topic in other ways. -Why did the founding fathers …
Music Analysis
This is a paper analyzing two pieces of music: Suite Francaise, and Suite of Old American Dances. You only need to cover the first two movements of each piece. Each of the pieces should account for half of the word count. The following is the criteria for the paper: The student evaluates music by thoroughly …
Answer ONE of the following questions.1) Why is authenticity a challenging concept in ethnomusicology? 2) Do headphones change the way we listen to sound? Discuss.3) Explore the relationship between music and trance.4) Is musical mourning gendered?7) What are the challenges involved in preserving musical traditions?8) Devise your own question relating to a topic from the …
comparison essay
Please follow the Final Paper Sample and the Proposal. I need to write a comparison essay between two painting, “View near Rouen” and “What Field with Cypresses” Please let me know if you need anything I can be reach at [email protected]
Write a candid assessment of strengths and weaknesses and plan of actions for student teaching. This is an exercise in taking stock of where you think you are and where you need to be pretty soon. Keep it crisp and simple, please. Two double-spaced pages are sufficient; dont go on and on. First, in terms …
Artwork Analysis
Discuss The Brueghel Series- Pat Steir. (USE ATTACHED OUTLINE FOR ASSISTANCE)Your essay includes a description, analysis, and interpretation of the work.Thoroughly describe the works expressive qualities, subject matter, and purpose. Elaborate on the cultural narratives and the cultural context that are present within the work. Thoroughly analyze its formal qualities and the materials, tools, and …
A research paper based on a series of taped interviews with contemporary artists will be assigned. In this paper, you will demonstrate your developing critical skills by describing the works of three contemporary artists whose work you find interesting. In the paper, you will discuss and evaluate what aspects of their work appealed to you …
discussion board for history of photography class using only the attached links and pdf as sources
You are to COPY AND PASTE the links below (watch the first link, a 13 minutes long video, the attached pdf, and the second link, read the content) ONLY USE THESE TWO LINKS AND THE ATTACHED PDF AS SOURCES. Then you are to answer/discuss the following questions highlighted in a discussion board format.Constructed photos and …
Any topic (writer’s choice)
The Visual Analysis Essay must 800 words long (minimum), with text aligned to the left (not center, not justify), in 12-point, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins on all sides. Grading form for Visual Analysis Essay: Adequate length, correct format, title page: 10 points Spelling, grammar and clarity: 10 points: Essay is well-written, …