APA Psychology and Education

Case Study Critique

You wrote a similar one for me. For this one, the instruction will be the same. But the topics and materials will be different.

The assignment is to write a short analysis of a case study of your choosing. The purpose of the paper is to provide you with some experience in analyzing a real situation using the perspectives on school change we are studying. Your papers should be 3 pages, double-spaced. Of course any case study could be analyzed from multiple perspectives, but try to use your selection to understand the issues through one of the two lenses we have discussed to date. See what resonates with you as it relates to the case study you select.The purpose of this exercise is to give you some practice in using the literature to examine a situation from a school change perspective. Start with a concise paragraph that summarizes the casestudy. I should have a clear understanding of the situation from the information you give me, without having to read the case study. Please attach a copy of the case study when you submit your assignment.

My suggestion for topic
Teachers and Professional Development
Overarching Questions: What is important about teachers’ knowledge? What do teachers do? What role does teacher preparation play? What should teachers know? How are we preparing teachers to use technology? What are some of the barriers for teachers already in schools, and how should professional development address teacher needs?

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