Note: Beside the guidelines attached
Referencing Style
Please use the following referencing style:
For Journal Articles:
LN, FN, FN LN, and FN LN. Year. Title of Article, Journal Name (Month/date), Vol. No., pp.
For Books:
LN, FN, and FN LN. Year. BOOK TITLE (All Caps), City & State/location of Publisher: Publisher Name, pp.
You can use reference numbers in the text as well.
Within the text, please write the references as:
(Last-name Year, Last-name Year) OR use numbers (1-4). NO ENDNOTES OR FOOTNOTES.
Whatever referencing style you elect to use, just be consistent with it and do not mix and match.
I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.