History Not applicable

Any topic (writer’s choice)


Required topic: Please summarize Wrights piece. 250-300 words.

Selective topics: Please choose ONE from the two following topics

1)-[Regarding the uses of city space and the question of access to city].

Topic: Suppose Jane Jacob reads Hao Jingfangs story about Beijing, what would she say?  Please summarize Jane Jacobs argument first before your own analysis. 600-700 words.

2)-[Regarding the rise of garden cities in late imperial China]

Topic: Why did gardens become a prominent urban landmark in late imperial China?  Please summarize Clunas and Finannes pieces before presenting your elaborations and comments. 600-700 words

Note: Summary is the focus of this assignment. You may refer to this video to get an idea of the art of summarizing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGWO1ldEhtQ

Requirement:  Normal font, 1.5 space.

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