APA Psychology and Education

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Question #1

“Impact of Technology on Adult Learning Programs”  Please respond to the following:

Find at least one (1) technology that is new to you. This could be software, such as an app or a program, a Website, collection of videos, or some other source. Describe the selected technology, and suggest how you can use it as a tool to help you be a more effective adult educator. Respond to at least one (1) other student. The following Websites may help to get you started:
MIT Technology Review
Microsoft Research
IBM Research
Google Research

Question #2

“Seeking Qualified Candidates”  Please respond to the following:

Employers claim that they cannot fill many entry-level positions because they cannot find employees with the basic skills to the meet the jobs. Envision yourself as an administrator in your community for an adult-education program. Create an initiative in which you aim to bridge the disconnect between the skills of the workforce and the skills that employers are seeking in your region. Select one (1) business with which to partner. Create a (five [5] minute maximum) pitch & your initiative to the selected business to help the business find and / or train adults to meet its needs. Propose at least one (1) way that your program could bridge the divide. Respond to at least one (1) other student.

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