Not applicable Religion / Theology

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This project is an examination of the Eucharist that requires you to make on Protestant church.

Describes the services that you visited, paying close attention to how the Eucharist was done in each service. You will need to observe carefully the details of service, and especially to the details of the Eucharist portion of the service. Write at least three full pages describing the Communion ritual you observed in the church (contextualized in the overall service). While the focus is on the Communion/Eucharist ritual, make sure to contextualize it in the overall service (briefly tell me what came before and what came after, and how they led into the Eucharist and what flowed out of the Eucharist).
I want your descriptions to be detailed and relying strictly on your observations. If you are attending a church with which you are familiar, forget everything you know and just watch. Then tell me what you see: what is the ritual like, what is/are the person/people at the front doing, what are the people in the pews doing, what is the overall feeling of the ritual, what words are said or songs are sung (not titles, but content what is the function of these words or these songs), what is the feeling of the location, does the space affect the mood, do the people seem attentive or bored, is it excited or contemplative, how does this compare to anything you know or your expectations

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