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April 6 Jury Issues; Guilty Pleas; Bail and Preventive Detention; Evidentiary Privileges
You are the trial judge in Olympus v. Dougherty, which involves facts identical to those in United States v. Dougherty. There is no precedent in the State of Olympus governing jury nullification instructions, which the defendants have requested. Will you deliver the requested jury nullification instructions? Why or why not?

April 6 Jury Issues; Guilty Pleas; Bail and Preventive Detention; Evidentiary Privileges
    Lawlemmas Jury Issues: Peremptory Challenges 36-46
                                                    Jury Nullification 61-71
                    Jury Instructions 71-77
                    Impeachment by Cross-Examination about Prior Convictions
                Guilty Pleas: 390-394
                Bail and Preventive Detention 267-275
                Evidentiary Privileges 336-346
    The Constitution: That Delicate BalanceCriminal Justice and a Defendants Right to a
        Fair Trial (in class)

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