History Not applicable

Any topic (writer’s choice)




Suburban Questions

1. What was the utopian era of postwar Long Island? What was the basis of the postwar boom? How was life different in suburbs compared to New York neighborhoods of the past?
2. What has changed Long Island today? What specifically are the problems that Long Island faces in terms of housing, employment, inequality, and transportation?
3. What are some of the characteristics of racial and ethnic life on Long Island? What are some of the emerging problems related to race the city in Long Island? What connections can you connect to other times of ethnic conflict in New York’s history?
4. Who developed public space in the suburbs? How has public space in the suburbs shifted over time? How is suburban public space different or similar to public space in New York city yesterday and today?
5. What are the strengths of education in Long Island? What are the weaknesses? How do issues of class and race impact education on Long Island?

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