At first glance, Workers Revolt from The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French History
by Robert Darnton seems to be about a senseless killing of cats. However, we quickly learn that it is about
much more than that. In this essay, examine how class conflict plays a role in the chapter Workers
Revolt. Also address, how are the individuals in this story experiencing conflict?
This paper must be at least 600 words and have a thesis statement that provides a decisive argument that
answers the question above.
You may only use the following approved sources in your paper (please note that any use of
external internet sources is prohibited):
* Workers Revolt in The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History by
Robert Darnton
*The West in the World by Dennis Sherman and Joyce Salsibury Volume II
*Cultural History I: whats in a name?
Paper Formatting
All papers should be double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman, and have 1-inch
Each page should have the course number and your last name in the upper left hand
corner. You will have a page number on every page except the title page in the bottom
center of the page.
You must have a header that is on every page and it should have the course number and
your name. Example: HIST 102/Jane Doe.
Indent every paragraph and remember a paragraph is at least 3 sentences long.
You must cite your sources in Chicago Manual of Style. There is a sample in the same
document as the title page sample. This is exactly how you should footnote any quotes
are parts of the book you paraphrase in your paper.