APA English and Literature

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In thinking about writing as a process of self-discovery, we have explored questions related to “voice” and the politics of language. As we have discussed, “voice” is not just about what and how we write, but also about who we are: it is a way of seeing and being–the embodiment of the self on the page. Each essay we have read is, either explicitly or implicitly, a reflection on becoming attuned to one’s voice as part of the process of self-discovery through writing. Your task in this essay is to explore (in 3-4 pages) what finding your voice means to you–of course, it is important to remember that finding your voice is an ongoing process rather than a terminal point or destination you arrive at. Using as an example one (or more) of the essays we have read, discuss what you have learned from the author about finding your voice. As with some of the authors we’ve read, you may include in your discussion conflicts you have experienced with language either in or outside educational settings and their impact on you and your relationship with writing. What, if anything, do you have to reckon with in finding your voice?

Be as imaginative/creative as you desire in your use of language and developing your ideas. The objective here is that you experience the process of writing this paper as part of finding your voice.

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