Health Care and Life Sciences MLA

A short Research on How Cancer Works

With the general knowledge of molecular and cell biology to study the physiology of cancer. We will gather some information from recent research on how cancer works. The Story Collider website states that Megan Hatlen “earned her PhD from Cornell University and performed research in oncology at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Megan is a California native; she was raised in Bakersfield and earned her bachelors in Bioengineering at the University of California San Diego. When not running experiments, Megan can be found with her wife, Jess, holding their chubby Pomeranian back as he strives to attack anything and everything on the Minuteman Bikeway.”
1) First go to this link:
to listen to Dr. Hatlen’s Story Collider podcast
2) Then go to this link:
to view a very recent news article discussing Dr. Hatlen’s study topic, fusion proteins.  While this specific research was not done by Dr. Hatlen, it provides insights into the importance of her area of work.

After reviewing these resources, write a 250 word or more reflection with your responses. You might wish to discuss any or all of the following topics:

1)  What was most interesting or most confusing about these resources?

2)  What can you learn about gene fusion, cell organelles, and their relationship with cancer and cancer treatment?

3)  What do these resources tell you about the types of people that do science?

4)  What new questions do you have after reviewing these resources?

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